By Phone
For more information about the Arizona Mountain Inn, please contact our office at:
Toll free phone number: (800) 239-5236 or (928) 774-8959
After Hours Emergency: (800) 476-5114
Please call this number if you need assistance checking-in after hours or if you
are staying with us and there is an emergency, i.e. locked out of cabin, plumbing, etc.
By Email
Please send email inquiries to:
Driving Directions
Please note: Several map Web sites and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) show the Arizona Mountain Inn located several miles down Lake Mary Road east of I-17. This is incorrect. The Arizona Mountain Inn is located only 1-mile east of I-17 on Lake Mary Road.
Directions to Arizona Mountain Inn
From Phoenix: 1-17 North to Exit 339, Lake Mary Road. East one mile to the Arizona Mountain Inn entrance on the north side of Lake Mary Road.
From I-40 West: Take Exit 195 north to Flagstaff. Stay in the left lane and follow the sign to “Flagstaff and Grand Canyon.” Go left at the first stop light, Forest Meadow. Go left on Beulah and follow it underneath I-40 and turn left onto Lake Mary Road. The Arizona Mountain Inn is approximately one mile down Lake Mary Road on the left.
From I-40 East: Take Exit 195 north to Flagstaff. Take the immediate Exit 341, McConnell Road. Go left on McConnell to the first light, Beulah. Go left on Beulah and follow it underneath I-40 and turn left onto Lake Mary Road. The Arizona Mountain Inn is approximately one mile down Lake Mary Road on the left.
From 180: Go towards downtown Flagstaff. Make a right onto Route 66. Follow Route 66 under railroad tracks and stay on South Milton. Go south thru Flagstaff and turn right on Forest Meadows which is the last stop light before leaving Flagstaff. Turn left at the next light which is Beulah. Follow Beulah underneath I-40 and turn left onto Lake Mary Road. The Arizona Mountain Inn is approximately one mile down Lake Mary Road on the left.